The street lamps flickered in the distance and then, one by
one, started to blink out.
Sonja's mind raced with fear as the darkness of the deserted
street marched toward her with each failing lamp post.
This cannot be
happening. She thought to herself. That
old fraud could not have done this.
It was only her mind playing tricks on her.
But the dark spreading toward her seemed very real and very final
as she stood on the damp sidewalk, frozen with fright.
She should not have listen to Fiona; her stupid friend had
suggested that it would be fun to go to the old fortune teller tonight instead
of going to the usual Halloween parties. And when the creepy woman in the
cluttered and incense-stinking shop had suggested Fiona was a shallow and vapid
person, she should not have let her storm out without paying the woman for her unappreciated
The crone had grown scarily angry and muttered some incantation
in a language Sonja did not understand or even recognize. Before she could go
after her friend, the crazed woman clutched at her arm with a bony hand,
cursing that, 'the darkness will take the both of you!'
Sonja pulled herself away and ran out of the grimy shop
after her friend, however, Fiona was no where to be seen. Sonja called after
her as she quickly walked back down the street the way they came but her friend
had seemed to have just vanished into the night.
As she had walked on, there seemed to be fewer and fewer
people out on the street, until it felt as though the entire neighbourhood had
been abandoned and Sonja was left alone in the lamp-lit night.
And now, those lights were going out as she stood and
watched fearfully, until all but the lone streetlamp post that shined down upon
her were darkened.
From her tiny island of light, she looked frantically around;
searching for signs of any other illumination, but there was only the complete
and utter darkness that surrounded her now.
As her eyes strained to see anything in the pitch black that
lay beyond the circle of amber light she dared not move from, something large
and hideous moved in the shadows just on the edge of her field of vision.
Sonja's blood turned to ice as she heard the unmistakable
sound of heavy hooves stepping on the cement of dark sidewalk outside the
circle of lamp light.
A huge and menacing presence loomed up from the darkness
behind her, and though she dared not turn to see it, she knew it had come for
One single, crunching hoof clomped down; breaking into the
sanctuary of light, and Sonja let out a blood-curdling cry, sprinting out into
the darkness; her fear of what lay in wait abandoned to the need to get away
from whatever nightmare was behind.
Her scream was cut abruptly short as a car horn blared and
its tires screeched on the pavement, too late to avoid hitting the woman that
had suddenly run out into the middle of the street.
As the diver got out a saw the crumpled body of Sonja lying
on the ground in front of his car, he looked around at the well-lit street and
called out for the passer-bys to call for help.
In the crowd of people the had gathered to witness the
grisly scene, the little old fortune teller stood watching, her wrinkled and creased
face, distorted by the lamp light, and by the cruel smile she wore with